You wouldn't know it by looking at her but, according to her mother, Sandra Lobaina was a biter. “I bit her," said Lobaina, smiling, when asked to explain why her mother didn't breastfeed her. "After that, she stopped. Even though I was a few days old, and I didn’t have teeth. But she was in pain, wasn’t in the correct position. And there wasn’t anyone there to come in and help her.” Now Lobaina works as a licensed midwife and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant to make sure other mothers have the support they need to breastfeed. Though not all women are able to breastfeed due to complications, a growing number of health care providers and activists that support the practice are contributing to a change in mentality, she says. Along with the Miami-Dade Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, Lobaina was one of the organizers of a recent event in which South Florida mothers joined over 21,000 women in communities around the world to breastfeed publicly during World